Info Space

— September 14, 2015 —

Upcoming | COLOURPOP Back to Cool & Forever Freshman (Fall 2015)

ColourPop Back to Cool Lippie Stix Set (0.21 oz.) retails for $30 USD and includes 6 limited editon Lippie Stix.

Choker is described as a light cool-toned beige. [Crème]
Mosh Pit is described as a mid-tone warm brown. [Matte]
TGIF is described as a true brick red. [Matte] 
Baewatch is described as a dusty rose. [Matte]
Out of Sync is described as a bright blue fuchsia. [Matte]
Too Sexy is described as a deep red violet w/ subtle blue flash. [Matte]

ColourPop Forever Freshman Super Shock Shadow Set (0.42 oz.) retails for $30 USD and includes 6 limited editon Super Shock Shadows.

Crimper is described as a soft gold w/ multi-dimensional gold glitter. [Metallic]
Koosh is described as a icy silver taupe. [Ultra-Metallic]
90210 is described as a greyed out taupe soft sprinkled w/ pink and gold glitter. [Satin Luxe] 
Melrose is described as a true rust. [Matte]
As If is described as a mid-tone cool taupe. [Matte]
Baby T is described as a deep blackened blue. [Matte]

Available now from

ColourPop Back to Cool Set

ColourPop Forever Freshman Set

Disclaimer: All information provided by the brand.